For Riders Who Want To Ditch Spookiness Problems For Good

Imagine If You Could Ditch The Spookiness, Fall Back In Love With Riding And Have a Confident and Connected Horse FOR GOOD This Year [And Beyond]...

...without having to hang on for dear life trying to

'just ride through it'...

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Why The Spooky Horses Programme Is The Shortcut For Falling Back In Love With Riding Permanently Anytime, Anywhere...

IT'S TRUE:  most riders are just not taught what to do when their horse gets tense or is spooky...

Sorry, but it's true.

All the big name ground work, 'de-spooking' methods (and there are quite a few now) teach a 'one size fits all' approach...

They don't show you how to assess what's causing your horses spookiness or what to do once you're in the saddle (sign me up!)

Many of them will show you how to get your horse to be OK with you waving a flag or whatever but they don't show how that relates to your ridden work or how to prepare your horse for what to do in an emergency.

So what do riders who DO transform their spooky horses to confident and connected have that most riders do not...? It's simple:

1) a plan custom built for them - and only them that is tailored to their horses spooky type and their skills...

2) nothing within their plans that they couldn't see themselves doing (or want to do) long term...

3) accountability - both from a coach and a community of people on the same journey - to keep them practising as they adopt new habits for themselves and their horses...

4) and FINALLY... feedback at every step.

'Cause here's the thing the one size fit's all memberships - won't tell you:

→ The first plan purely sets the scene for ALL the REAL results that will follow...

It's the feedback you give your coach after week one and two, and the adjustments your coach will make bespoke and tailored to you that create the INCREDIBLE results - like those you've likely already seen from my clients...

200 Amazing Riders Back In Love with Riding Their Horses -

And Counting...

It's what working closely with over 200 riders over the past 5 years has shown me over - and over - and over, again...

And I'm on a mission to help hundreds more riders across the World stop believing that they just have to be stronger riders... exchange for real results, confident and connected horses, and the flexibility that means they can take their exercises into ANY situation they want to...

Competition, Trail Riding, Hacking Out, just having fun without the spooking "what if's" ever...

If you're ready to make a permanent shift in your horses confidence and your own - without having to grit your teeth and 'just ride through it'...

...scoop up this one-time special offer on the Complete Spooky Horses Course now.

Saving 40% with no contract and lifetime access is about to close 🤯

Join the shortcut to de-spooking your horse now - and lets work closely together to make this the last de-spooking programme you ever need...


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Your Very Own Customised Plan

Transform your horses confidence without feeling fear, frustration, OR overwhelm.

Get a plan that's specifically for your horse... ...So no matter what situation you are in you have the right exercises to help your horse... quickly!


Complete Spooky Horses Course (Lifetime Access)

Watch detailed training on spooky horses, the different 'spooky types', ground exercises, ridden exercises, advancement exercises.

Access to the Complete Spooky Horses Course and any future updates for the lifetime of the course so when you have a new horse, or need a refresher you can always come back to it.

All accessible from your computer whenever you need it for your horse now and in the future.


The Spooky Horses Private Group Access 

This is our exclusive community where all the riders come together. It's where you'll have unlimited support, weekly Q&A sessions, Hot Seat sessions and be able to share your wins, additional support when you need it the most.


Weekly Accountability 

You're going to be held accountable every single to your 'De-spooking' plan. This means there's going to be no 'Wobble Wednesdays' OR 'Fresh Start Mondays'. This accountability is the reason your results from this program are going to be INCREDIBLE.


Weekly Progress Check In's

Always stay on track and get the results you deserve. It's going to allow you to remain fully in control, see consistent results, and be held to the highest level of accountability so week on week your horses confidence deepens to become something you can rely on...

Some Amazing Riders Who Have Ditched The Spooking And Are Back In Love With Riding Their Horses...



The Simplest, Bespoke Route To Falling Back In Love With Riding...

Over The Next 30 Days

You Will...

  • Access Your Very Own Customised 'De-Spooking' Plan (You Horse Is Unique - And So Will Your Custom 'De-Spooking' Plan Be So You Can Not Only Get To Your Goals - But Get There By The Quickest & Most Seamless Route Possible)

  • Access The Complete Spooky Horses Course (Lifetime Access) Detailed Training On Spooky Horses, The Different 'Spooky Types', Ground Exercises, Ridden Exercises, Advancement Exercises.

  • ​​Access The Complete Spooky Horses Private Group (The Most Incredible Group of Riders - On The Same Path As You Are, Sharing Their Experiences, Tips & Motivation - So You Can Be Part of a Community That Gets You AND Wants to See You WIN)

  • Get Weekly Accountability (The Biggest Factor Missing From Most Coaching And The Biggest Impactor of RESULTS - The Level of Accountability. Which Is Why It's Our #1 Priority - So You're Always Supports And Results Are Virtually Guaranteed)

  • Get Weekly Progress Check In's (To Maximise Your Results at EVERY Step With Complete Hyper Personalisation)

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OH - And My Quite Literally Stupid Guarantee...

I 100% guarantee that you'll love Complete Spooky Horses Programme - and your RESULTS - so much, that if you follow your plan and DON'T get results within the first 14 days - I'll give you a FULL refund 😐

Sound fair?

Hit the button above and begin to fall back in love with riding now!

Psst... Even More Amazing Riders Who Have Ditched The Spooking And Are Back In Love With Riding Their Horses...

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